Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Lush Boxing Day Sale Haul 2016

(loving all the bags at lush at the moment)

Its that time of year again for another Lush boxing day haul!
All the christmas products had 50% really I couldn't say no! I picked up bath bombs and bubble bars (If I had more time I would have looked at all the other christmas products) which I have (apart from one) never tried before or could never justify spending money on before.

The Magic of Christmas Wand
Was £5.95 Now £2.98
I saw this last year and wanted to get my hands on it and didnt, this year I wanted to go back to lush and treat myself to one...I didnt but seeing as it was half off in the sale I picked one up to try.
This is just christmas in a bubble bar; spiced, the orange, glitter and bells. I love that this wand doesn't have the usual wooden stick and has been replaced with a cinnamon stick (which still smells of cinnamon - the best scent at christmas). When I was in the shop I didnt smell any of the products, I picked up what I wanted and headed straight to the till. I was surprised with how much I love the scent of this you get hit with the spices first before the orange makes an appearance - I hate anything that has the scent of orange but this is just divine.

 Snowie Bubble Bar
Was £4.25 Now £2.13
I couldn't leave this little man behind it looks like David Bowie....
I wanted to get this when it first came out but I never got around to having another visit to Lush to try and get it. This is of course white (looks sort of like a snowman) with the red and blue lighting bolt across the front, with one blue eye and a missing red eye. Even though this is part of the christmas collection is doesn't scream christmas or a have a general christmas scent. The product has a very fruity and floral scent, which I wasnt expecting and I really hope that they keep this as an all year round product.
Magic Wand Bubble Bar
Was: £5.95 Now: £2.98
For the past couple of years I have seen this wand and I look at getting it and never do.
Bright pink star, dusted in glitter, with added bell and smells exactly like snow fairy...perfect.
I love the sweet scents lush do and the snow fairy scent is one of my favourites, there are multiple products they have all year round that smell like this - smells like candy floss and bubble gum with a light hint of strawberry. 

So White Bath Bomb
Was: £3.75 Now: £1.88
I dont think I have ever had so white before but have seen and smelt it may times...and I dont understand why I have never had one. This has such a lovely, nice 'fresh' apple scent to it, the bath bomb is usually completely white but this year lush have added a little leaf on top. I am yet to know what this bath bomb does but I am interested to find out and cant wait to use it.

Stardust Bath Bomb
Was: £2.95 Now: £1.48
This bath bomb is such a simple product; It doesn't do to much compared to other bath bombs, because it is so simple is one of the reasons why I love it. It is completely white with a very light vanilla scent, Once placed into the bath it has a burst of stars inside which leave the water very colourful.

I am very happy with my sale purchases this year, If I had a bit more time I would have liked to have had a proper look around at all the christmas products. I really wanted to get another bottle of the snow fairy shower gel.